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Advanced insights and reports

Business Intelligence

In commerce, Business Intelligence (BI) empowers data-driven insights, transforming information into actionable strategies. BI deciphers customer behavior, forecasts trends, and optimizes inventory, fostering agile adaptations for enhanced efficiency and growth.

Key Benefits

Make sure decisions are data and insight-driven, not taken by gut feeling. Analyze data in real-time for making immediate decisions.
Track KPIs and dive into your data to understand what's happening and how to improve your business.
Marello's Business Intelligence solution will save a lot of time by giving you insights within seconds.
Gather insights into potential opportunities, develop new offers to adapt to the current market situation, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Optimizing Business and Operations Insights

Marello’s advanced tools help transform business insights: Business Intelligence delivers actionable data analysis and customizable reporting, optimizing decision-making. Define tailored KPIs, such as sales channels and inventory. AI integration accelerates real-time data processing and automated reporting, streamlining operations and freeing resources. Marello’s adaptability shines in personalized dashboards, enabling teams to track essential KPIs at various intervals via a comprehensive reporting engine, fostering efficient data-driven choices for heightened organizational performance.

Key Business Intelligence features

  • Advanced insights and reports
    To effectively achieve business goals, analyzing data and creating reports is a crucial strategy for measuring KPIs. Marello's Business Intelligence creates reports and analytics that provide actionable insight. In addition, Marello enables businesses to define and manage the KPIs that are important to their specific business, such as revenue per sales channel, best-selling products, inventory levels and allocation, and much more. Marello provides you with the data you need to make data-driven decisions and optimize your business operations
  • Artificial intelligence
    Marello can leverage Artificial intelligence (AI) in several ways. You can automatically analyze large amounts of data and generate reports in real-time. This can help businesses make more informed decisions and improve their operational efficiency. AI can also be used to automate routine reporting tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and value-added tasks.
  • Create your own dashboards
    Marello’s flexibility and scalability allows each person in your organization to build their own dashboard based on the KPIs they need to track on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. Marello has a comprehensive built-in reporting engine to track key business KPI’s, allowing for data driven decisions.
Powerful tools at the center of your operations

Other Marello features

A powerful platform that unifies and automates your sales throughout all channels. Streamline order management, inventory management, order fulfillment, customer journey, and much more.

Full Feature List